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Freelance jobs in marketing and sales

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Freelance jobs

Business Intelligence Expert

01/03/2025  - 31/12/2028

We are looking for a Business Intelligence expert to strengthen the Data & Intelligence team of our media client.

Marketing Officer Campaigns

01/04/2025  - 30/06/2025

We are looking for an all-round digital marketeer to start 01/04 for at least 3 months.

Marketing project manager

Brussels / Remote
03/03/2025  - 30/05/2025

For one of our customers in HR, we are looking for a B2B marketing project manager to manager two marketing projects, to start immediately.

Junior Business Analyst CRM

17/03/2025  - 17/03/2026

The Corporate Sales team is looking for a business analyst for a CRM system.

Our sales representatives and distributors work with a CRM system (a system that tracks quotes, stores customer files, etc.).

We are currently looking for someone to assess the needs within the business and translate them into how they can be implemented in the CRM system (e.g., generating clear reports from the tool, gaining an overview of expiring contracts for the year, etc.).


We are looking for someone with an affinity for Sales who has experience working with a CRM system. This person will also test the system from the customer's perspective to ensure smooth processes (on a process level; IT expertise is not required).

Campaign Manager - Large corporations & public sector

17/02/2025  - 16/05/2025

We are an HR services company looking for a Campaign Manager with expertise in large corporations. In this role, you will design, execute, and optimize marketing campaigns to drive acquisition and growth. Working closely with sales and marketing teams, you will create impactful initiatives that align with business objectives. Strong project management and lead generation skills are essential.

In cooperation with Yungo and Starring Jane