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5 steps to create an influencer marketing strategy

Did you know that more than two-thirds of North American retailers are using some form of influencer marketing? What are you waiting for?

Need support with your influencer marketing strategy

What is influencer marketing?

You don’t need to be a Kardashian anymore to be an influencer. A decade ago influencer marketing was limited to big celebrities. Nowadays influencers are everywhere. However, that does not mean it’s a walk in the park to find the right ones. Who fits your brand and organisation? And how to start a successful influencer marketing strategy?


Influencer or influence marketing is a form of marketing focusing on certain people with a large (online) sway over your target audience. Influencers usually have acquired an exemplary function. Consequently, this function enables them to influence a large group of followers. And that is exactly why companies want to buy advertising space on their channels.

How to start a successful influencer marketing strategy?

However, like all marketing forms, influencer marketing does not work without a well thought strategy. Let’s have a closer look at 5 crucial steps to integrate a successful influencer marketing strategy:

1. Define your goals and metrics

First, like with every good marketing strategy, you start by defining your goals and metrics. When you are looking to collaborate with influencers, you are probably looking to enhance your brand awareness or increase your sales. However, do not forget to list out how you’re going to measure your goals. In other words, try to set specific target KPI’s. For example, this can be something like “enhance website traffic by 20% in Q1” when your goal was to improve brand awareness.

2. Identify your online audience

Second, influencer marketing is always based on strong research about your target audience. Which social platforms are they using? And who impacts how they decide and buy? As you can see, this will give you an indication of where to look for the best possible influencers.

3. Select the right influencers

Third, be strategic when selecting the right influencers. More specifically, a large following base does not automatically mean the influencer is right for your business. There has to be a match with your goals, products and  organisation. In order to have a perfect match, look for people who can really affect the decision-making process of your target audience.

4. Connect with influencers and build authentic relationships

Fourth, once you have found the right influencers for your goals and business, try to connect with them. This often is the most crucial step along the way. Why? Because the connection with your influencers can really impact the authenticity and successfulness of your (future) campaigns. Above all, the main reason influencer marketing is effective, is because it evokes the feeling of authenticity.

5. Measure your ROI

Finally, when you have selected smart goals in step 1, it will be a lot easier to measure them and to demonstrate ROI. Most importantly, measuring your goals will enable you to tell what worked and what didn’t. Luckily, there are plenty of tools that can help you track your influencer marketing campaign analytics. For example, an easy way to start is by adding UTM tracking codes to your campaign links.

Need advice?

Well selected influencers and campaigns can be a valuable asset for your business. However, like every way of marketing, everything starts with an effective strategy. Looking for advice to optimize your marketing strategies? Get in touch with 4P square.

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About the author

Jolien is a passionated digital marketing & communication consultant with a first track record in e-marketing and marcom campaign management. Jolien has an academic master in business communication with strong analytical skills. She prefers clear communication, has strong writing skills, and combines a methodic mindset with outspoken passion for marketing. As a team player with an empathic approach, she focuses on quality. 

Want to know more about Jolien? Feel free to start a conversation with her on LinkedIn. 

In cooperation with Yungo and Starring Jane

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