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What are cyber threats and what to do about them?

 Cyber-attacks were the biggest concern for companies globally in 2022 according to the Allianz Risk Barometer. The Allianz Risk Barometer is an annual survey and report that highlights the most important risks for companies in the year ahead. This report is based on the insight of 2,650 risk management experts from 89 countries and territories. 

The threat of ransomware attacks, data breaches, or major IT outages worries companies. In 2022. This worry is even more pronounced than that caused by supply chain disruption, natural disasters, or the Covid19 pandemic. All of these have heavily affected firms in the past year.

What are ransomware attacks?

Ransomware is malicious software that infiltrates a computer or network and limits or restricts access to critical information by encrypting files until a ransom is paid. 

Just like any other software, ransomware can now easily be purchased from hacker organizations. This way it can also be used by malicious users with less technical skills. This enables the recent growth in ransomware attacks.  

“Ransomware attacks are the most concerning cyber exposure.”  

What are the most common signs of ransomware?

  • A pop-up message on your screen, saying you are infected with ransomware
  • You can no longer access your files or even your internet browser
  • You may find files with scrambled contents
  • Weird files or unexpected software show up on your computer

What are the most common tricks?

Cybercriminals use countless techniques to infect networks and systems with ransomware. These are the most common ones you should be on the lookout for ransomware, phishing, and social engineering. 

What is the difference between phishing and social engineering?

While phishing schemes typically rely on social networking techniques applied to email, attachments, and webpages to capture private data. Social engineering involves psychologically manipulating people into divulging confidential information or taking inappropriate actions.

Why is social engineering so dangerous?

Because hacking a human being is much easier than hacking a secured business. Scammers prey on our human weaknesses such as trust, attitude, fear, ignorance, sympathy, laziness, etc. 

What are they searching for?

  1. Access to your digital device
  2. Passwords 
  3. Bank information

How to stay secure?

  • Make sure you have active anti-virus software on your device 
  • Use strong and unique passwords 
  • Set your software updates to automatic 
  • Make sure your firewall is enabled on your router and secure your wireless network with a strong password
  • Lock your laptop before you leave 
  • Keep confidential documents in a safe place 

Did you get phished on your device?

  1. Firstly contact a professional or helpdesk to check and/or reinstall your device 
  2. Secondly forward any fake e-mails, messages, or websites to suspicious@safeonweb.be
  3. Thirdly report fraud and file a complaint on meldpunt.belgie.be
  4. After that change your password on all accounts you re-used this password

Today we must be more careful than ever. Phishing schemes have become more varied and potentially more dangerous than before. With the integration of social media and login methods such as “login with your Facebook or Gmail account,” an attacker could potentially commit several data breaches on an individual by using one phished password.

About the author

Tiffany is a passionate marketing consultant with strong communication skills. She has her first experience at L’Oréal in Corporate Communication and Product Management. Followed by experience in the retail sector at ISFI spices and more recently at Colruyt Group working for Marketing Communication Services.
She is a real team player, with an open mindset, an emphatic approach, and an eye for detail. Tiffany loves to take on new challenges with a positive attitude, motivation, and dedication. 

Want to know more about Tiffany? Feel free to  start a conversation with her on LinkedIn.

Tiffany Dubois

Marketing Consultant

Marcom | Product Management | 360° marketing


"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can."

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