How to Boost Your Brand
Which color of Power Ranger were you in your childhood? When I was little, I always chose to be the white Power Ranger.
Not because he was the smartest, nor the strongest. But every time he came into play when the other Power Rangers were in the defeat against Lord Zedd, he was the one who inspired the others not to give up, put their powers together and fight the enemy with joint forces.
Although I did not realize it back then, it was my first lesson in personal efficiency.
By sharing ideas, inspiring others and using human skills you can achieve a lot. And then, suddenly, I got yellow as ‘my’ color.
You mean, the Yellow Power Ranger?
According to the Insights discovery wheel, every color stands for a personal style & way of interacting with others. During the 4P square café, Fons Feekes let us confess colors, based on how we see ourselves in daily life.
Release the power
But let’s face it, although the white Power Ranger managed to turn the dices, he never could accomplish this without the other Power Rangers.
This is where the session was all about: identifying your personal power and applying these insights from personal effectiveness to team effectiveness. Let me explain you how this works.
- Step 1: use your red employees to define objectives & process. Think, extraversion and logic are their nature.
- Step 2: brainstorm ideas by enabling your green employees to release their vision & social capabilities.
- Step 3: analyse the output of the brainstorm. Your blue employees are task oriented, set standards and analyse objectively.
- Step 4: in order to harmonise your project, you should use your green employees to check for risks & the impact of your project.
Boost your marketing
It’s not Morphin’ time yet. This looks promising, but to achieve victory we need to take it to the next level.
Just as the Power Rangers transform and boost their power, you should look at your organization through the lenses of the Insights personality system. T
his means: applying your personal & team effectiveness to brand effectiveness.
For us, it’s Morphin Time by boosting your marketing. This means:
- helping people & organizations
- sharing our knowledge
How do you release the power of your employees, team & organization?