The 10 Most Important Challenges Marketers Should Work on Right Now
In a world in constant evolution, it is sometimes hard to see where we are going and in which field businesses should invest. I did some research and collected for you the 10 most important marketing challenges you should be working on in the next months and years:
10 Most important challenges for marketeers
1. Sharing Economy
Airbnb, Uber, BlaBlaCar are names of platforms you probably already heard about. This new type of economy is based on peer to peer, people are the centre of this system.
It helps to build trust in people and online payment systems. Technology has reduced the costs of transaction and makes sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever.
2. Consumer Empowerment
Consumers have equiment that complicates and reverses their relationship with businesses and medias. Thanks to their digital companions, they have *access to multiple points of information.
It gives them power and control. They decide if they want to be your best friend or your brands most vocal critic.
The challenges for brands are:
- To be on the right place at the right moment (omni-channel).
- To make the empowered consumers loyal. It can only work when it goes both ways.
- To face international competition. Digital goes across borders.
3. Technological Evolution
Technology is in constant evolution. This year will be the year of virtual reality, *augmented reality, *Google cars, *artificial intelligence, *drones, Internet of Things …
4. Marketing Automation
To help businesses to follow the empowered consumers through their customer journey, clever tools have been invented.
Those tools analyse customer data in order to help you to understand them to increase lead generation and to improve customer engagement.
5. Omni-channel is the key
The buying processes are not lineair anymore. The modern consumer is on every channel therefore his decision and buying journey can be interupted at anytime.
Every channels strategy should be aligned to keep customers happy.
6. Big Data
Turn Big Data into Big Impact. We are moving from Data-Driven Marketing to Insight-Driven Marketing.
There are new tools helping to get the pertinent data that will drive your marketing strategy.
You can for example predict buying and churn behavior of your customer using tools like using data tools.
7. Mobile Marketing
Since Mobile radically changed our lives, the point of contact and the point of transaction have never been so closed.
We have seen emerging Mobile-targeted campaigns, Mobile optimized and responsive website, thousand of apps, Ad blockers, location-based marketing…
The most recent example of Mobile Marketing technique is the chat-based Marketing. Brands and businesses will be interacting with their customers via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat and other chatting platforms.
It is going to be part of everybody’s everyday life really soon.
8. Videos and Live Streaming
The use of Video content is on the rise and it keeps increasing faster. Right after Google and Facebook, Youtube is currently the the tird most visited search engine in the world.
Live Streaming means interactive live video available form any smartphone. Periscope is an app that allows you to broadcast a live video and audio content with live discussions, ‘likes’ and feedback.
You can replay this broadcast up to 24 hours. Blab, another mobile platform, focus on public live conversations about important topics.
The replay, with Blab, is indefinitely available after life stream. These platforms are ready to revolutionize the conference experience.
9. Content Marketing
Due to the empowerment of the consumer, it is now more than ever, important to focus on relevant content.
It is also relevant to provide appealing content to your consumers for your SEO strategy. Google will only give you search traffic if you have high-quality content.
10. Social Media Marketing
Social media is a great channel that supports your campaigns when in line with your general strategy. SEO keeps growing on Social Networks, especially for the Job search.
Social Selling, meaning buying products and services via your personnal Social Madie profiles, is also on the rise. Check this article to understand the basics to re-engineer your social media