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What Marketing Can Teach Us About Global Warming

An increase in global temperatures, rising sea levels, changing precipitation (rain, snow, etc.) and expansion of deserts.

The (potential) effects of global warming or climate change are far-reaching and dramatic. Future climate change and impacts will differ from region to region but, nevertheless, will be experienced worldwide.

On top, Western societies must cope with a mature population of consumers used to a high living standard.

The potential of marketing to influence the drivers of climate change

Remarkably little progress has been made in understanding how best to influence climate change–related behaviours on a population basis, especially given the likelihood of severe negative consequences that may arise, including health, environmental, and economic impacts.

The research literature on individual climate change–mitigation behaviours have focused primarily on four broad categories: household energy use, recycling, surface transportation behaviour, and purchase of “green” products.

The research literature on individual-level adaptation has focused primarily on issues related to increasing household preparedness against natural disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, etc.

Consequently, marketers looking to influence climate change-related behaviour cannot rely on ready-made solutions.

Facts & Figures? Did you know…

… livestock is responsible for more greenhouse
gas emissions than all transportation
exhausts combined?

… tourism accounts for nearly one tenth of
the world’s carbon emissions?

… in 2016 the CO2 emissions per capita
for Belgium were 8,31 ton. Worldwide emissions
per capita were 3,1 ton?

What the survey showed

How important is Global Warming when you communicate about your product?

The environment: fairly important, but not a reason to buy a product 2 out of 5 respondents indicated that environmental factors play a significant role in their company’s communication strategy.

60% of the respondents said that they do in fact consider materials that have a low environmental impact. While a fourth of them pointed out that they already do this.

Will you consider publishing on material with low environmental impact, when choosing offline touchpoints?

However, the majority believes it is not a decisive factor for purchase. It seems that being environmentally friendly is expected by the consumer rather than a key reason to buy a product.

Does your customer purchase your product because of your engagement towards global warming?

A healthy planet

The majority of respondents don’t feel that focusing on your customer’s health is particularly more efficient than focusing on the impact on global warming.

This is rather unexpected as health and suitable lifestyles have been a hot topic for a while now.

Is it more efficient to communicate about your customer’s health, rather than the impact of global warming?

The Belgian CMO marketing survey report

Global warming is one of the three most important social trends for Belgium’s top marketeers. Get a sneak preview on the other two trends, consisting of the importance of privacy and the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

In total, last year, we conducted a survey on 10 important social trends that are described in our Belgian CMO marketing survey report.

In cooperation with Yungo and Starring Jane

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