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Why Relevance is Key to Get Conversion

If you know that 95% of search commands happen on Google, it is clear that actual digital strategies must focus on findability.

Stand out as a brand

When you can outperform your competitor’s top ranking of non-brand related key words, you’ll get the opportunity to stand out as a brand. Only when your brand is found, you can make a difference being relevant. Because relevance is key to get conversion: download, call, visit, etc.

Make sure that all digital channels have great content which is supported by the ingredients that search engines need. Great digital content can help you rank well in search engines for those key words you want to be associated with.

In that matter, you need a lot of volume of fresh and engaging content, that leaves an opportunity to interact and/or to rate a service.

Evolutions that influence today’s society

1) Social is everything

Social media make a 24/7 connection possible with other people, from all over the world. Technology plays an important role in that evolution, because of the continuous improvement of connectivity between apps and networks.

There is a significant influence of social media content on organic search results in today’s search engines. So invest in the right social media for your business and foresee a feasible content plan that contains information that your target audience wants from you.

Please don’t talk about yourself, but write what your consumers want to know!

2) Stories trigger emotion

A good content plan makes use of wisely selected platforms to support your business growth. Tell ‘why’ you do business as you do it.

Listen, and dialogue will be activated. Through great story telling you can outshine as a brand and thus create brand preference through offering relevant content to your target audience.

When and where they need it! So analyse content types and then produce and reproduce the wanted content on your selected channels.

If you act as a resource, you’ll make it easier to be found and talked about. Because great volumes of engaging content will make you findable in search engines and within social media.

3) Local search for real time information

Every 1 on 3 mobile searches have a local intent, whereafter mostly a call or visit is done. This means a high conversion rate is obtained on local searches with an instant need.

Local searches are mostly done to loop up real time information : opening hours, nearest coffee bar, …

So being visible in Google Maps and Google Places with an consistent content data set and integrate at most click-to-call buttons or similar instant call-to-actions is utterly crucial.

Offering check-in services on site will also boost local (offline) traffic.

4) Mobile goes mainstream

We see that today’s consumer has changing needs:  proofs the fact that we all embrace new technologies to communicate with friends, family, relations, brand, organizations and stores. Mobile usage and searches now peak more than ever!

So make sure that the digital experience that you want to offer has a firm mobile basis: a responsive design for your website.

Mobile devices are very intimate tools. So interact and engage through mobile gives you very valuable user data.

Instant information and promotions ‘on the spot’, next to peer recommendations and testimonials, have a massive weight in the customer decision journey.

Don’t forget to track and measure every digital effort. With data you can capture consumer interests and preferences on an individual level.

After which you can individualize communication and reach every customer in person.

So enable understanding how people use social and mobile. And be ready for them!

The future of mobile chains social, local and commercial essentials

SoLoMoCo is a tactical word that combines social, local, mobile and commerce, and best describes the demand of the consumer to be serviced 24/7 next to the need of the retailers for more digital connection with real life.

SoLoMoCo applications such as the mobile wallet, or location based services as scoupy can help you to be relevant for your consumer and drive conversion to the brick ‘n mortar.

Solomoco-apps can be set as a tactical within the digital strategy that understands the strength of local targeting.

See also what Tim Reis, Head of Social & Mobile Solutions at Google, has to say about the future of mobile being solomoco on slideshare.

Invest in the right social media for your business and foresee a feasible content plan.

Contact us now

In cooperation with Yungo and Starring Jane

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